Suffering from Scoliosis in Tacoma

We are an office that aids with the painful effects of scoliosis in Tacoma. For the most part, the condition starts as a small bend in the spine that slowly becomes more severe overtime. It is diagnosed if the patient has a bend in their spine greater than ten degrees to the right or left. It should be a major health concern if the spine further bends to a greater degree.
When the bending of the spine is caught early and addressed with proper care these life altering problems can be avoided. The article below will describe the progression of scoliosis, how it is identified, and how Proctor Chiropractic is able to heal your spine and body. A chiropractor in Tacoma can certainly help with scoliosis,
Scoliosis Treatment in Tacoma
Healthy spines are completely vertical and when there is a bend horizontally it becomes a condition called scoliosis. Scoliosis begins to develop, at various ages, when there is a vertebrae that is not completely aligned and as the body grows so do the muscles connected to the spine. The muscles begin to pull on the spine and deepen the curves that previously existed so that the head is supported vertically.
The initial misalignment can be formed from incorrect posture, a degenerative disease, or accidents involving the back. Most cases begin in children that are going through quick growth developments but it is not unheard of for adults to develop scoliosis as well. Osteoporosis can lead to scoliosis as well.
What are the Consequences of Scoliosis?
Left unchecked, scoliosis can lead to long term chronic pain in the back, neck, shoulders, and buttocks. There are many cases where scoliosis lead to a plethora of recurring issues. One of the issues is sciatica which has been linked to patients with scoliosis. In worst case scenarios, the capacity of the heart and lungs can decrease along with painful menstruation cycles and even physical disability.
How is Scoliosis Identified?
Usually, scoliosis is first noticed by a parent or guardian of the person. They typically see that the pelvis and shoulders are not level. A examination by a professional will assess the gait of the person and access the curvature of the spine. The Adams Position Test is often used as it requires the patient to bend forward in order to observe an abnormality. If a diagnosis can still not be readily given, X-rays are used to understand the severity of scoliosis.
Scoliosis Chiropractic Treatments
Those living in Tacoma and nearby areas of Federal Way, Gig Harbor, Lakewood and Fife, have immediate access to our Proctor Chiropractic care center. We treat scoliosis with gentle spinal manipulations and adjustments. By using a hands-on approach, we re-position the spine to reduce the "S" curve and the strain on the vertebrae. We will see you frequently at first as the body tries to return to its comfortable scoliosis position. Our chiropractor re-trains your spine to maintain a natural curve and this takes numerous chiropractic rehabilitation adjustments. As your body learns to maintain a natural curve and the muscles are strengthened to hold the vertebrae in place, your visits will decrease in frequency.
Other Scoliosis Care
Part of our treatment for scoliosis involves educating you on proper posting, sitting, standing and lifting techniques. As you work, play and relax, you will need to have an awareness of your spine. For a while, it will be a conscious effort to sit straight, keep your shoulders even and not lean to one side. We can also give you exercises to strengthen your back muscles to help support your proper posture.
Scoliosis Prognosis
A common time for a scoliosis diagnosis is during the teenage years. If you or your child is suffering from a sideways curved spine, call Proctor Chiropractic today so we can begin to re-position the spine and alleviate any discomfort. With our chiropractic adjustments, your scoliosis pathway becomes straight. You reduce the chances for problems later in life and also potentially avoid surgery or back bracing. We evaluate your condition, provide at-home instruction and partner with our massage therapists to train your spine to hold its new position. We continue to perform maintenance manipulations as you need them to support your healthy path.
Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis at Proctor Chiropractic
Chiropractors in Tacoma are professionally trained to diagnose a patient with scoliosis. Following, the history of the patient is examined to determine the possible cause of scoliosis. This is used to develop the correct treatment that will most efficiently and correctly address the bend of the spine.
Proctor Chiropractic offers a non invasive and safe treatment that is able to prevent, slow, and stop the continuation of scoliosis. Specific spinal adjustments are common in order to reverse the horizontal curvature and help the recovery process. Call today for a diagnosis or examination that can be life changing.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment
Proctor Chiropractic
3901 6th Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98406
(253) 756-7500
Fax: (253) 756-7501